On "The Interview"

Personal sentiments aside, The Interview was no doubt the most controversial film of 2014. From the conception to the political implications to the unorthodox surprise release; if not the mischievous Franco-Rogen tandem then the controversy had surely gained the attention of the enthusiastic and the hesitant alike.

We all decided to tackle on the experience of watching The Interview. Here's what we have to say:


"All the film does is make a lot of bad jokes and uses a lot of toilet humor. I mean this is expected for Rogen and Franco, but it does not make the movie any better in my opinion." 
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"Ultimately, the only thing The Interview succeeds at is encouraging American ignorance of the real conditions of North Korea and the blind hate of its leader." 
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"I felt that the funniest parts of the film had absolutely nothing to do with the core plot. For instance, I loved the huge bromance between Skylark and Rapaport. I thought it was a cute and silly type of humor rather than the crass humor dominating the rest of the film."  
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"If Rogen and Franco are to make another movie, maybe they should stay away from controversial politics, and shift their focus back to weed, where there is humor to be found."  
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"There is nothing particularly interesting about the film other than the racist and homophobic undertones throughout. It seemed as though this movie had been written by a sex depraved, ignorant, teenage American boy."  
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By the way, they still don't know who hacked Sony. The FBI still blames North Korea, but John McAfee of McAfee, Inc. came forward to say otherwise. He wouldn't give names though because he said that would make him a narc. Isn't that hilarious? He also revealed that he has close relationships with people from Anonymous, a well-known network of hackers, and that they even helped him out when he was on the lam in Belize. Kind of wants you to rethink your antivirus program now, does it?

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