Carlita, "The Interview"

The Interview, a film about a talk show host and show producer going on a journey to North Korea to kill Kim Jong-Un, was just what I expected from Seth Rogen and James Franco. There is nothing particularly interesting about the film other than the racist and homophobic undertones throughout. It seemed as though this movie had been written by a sex depraved, ignorant, teenage American boy. In all honesty, it wasn’t bad and it was, in fact, the epitome of Seth Rogen and James Franco’s work. If you are usually entertained by Rogen’s crude humor and lack of political correctness, this movie will be the best comedy of the year.

When the film began with a young North Korean girl singing a violent song about America’s downfall, I just knew this would be the most ridiculous film I’ve seen to date. James Franco’s “Asian” accent and Eminem’s big confession began long-running gay and Asian jokes. The whole movie was just that, a long running gay and race joke. It is definitely a must-see, because of how taboo it was with the whole “Sony Pictures and North Korea scandal” (which was, in my opinion, a farce). This film is definitely not for the serious or the easily offended.

Rating: 2/5

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