
"Went to the movies. Wept." -- Franz Kafka

Cinephilia is dying. Although movies have increasingly become bigger and more sensational since the birth of cinema, film has now become nothing more than a source of entertainment. In contemporary times, it is generally regarded as something for leisure, a "temporary escape" from reality. But film can be so much more than just something to fill up time.

Film is profound and omnipotent. It can inspire, influence, and empower, but also depress, weaken, and depreciate. Film may act as a window through which a certain time period's social norms and activities can be deduced from, candidly or otherwise. This is because film is part of history, and it informs just as much as it tells a story. Other times, film is anything but entertainment.

Unfortunately, not everybody is aware of this. It is for this reason that this blog exists.

Our goal as a group is to introduce a deeper way of looking at film and movies. We aim to uncover the sophisticated, intellectual, and even philosophical side of film that which the general majority doesn't really consider when watching a Michael Bay movie. We believe this is relevant as people consume film on a daily basis with no cogitation for what it really means, and subsequently, how it was made to be understood. We believe that to combat this indifference is to be able to appreciate film in its full potential.

In turn, this will also allow us to pay respect to the geniuses in the industry who have inspired us and give them the recognition they deserve.

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